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"Is My Faith Real?"

Faith of the world often reminds me,

of God's people in the desert.

In the desert, God did wonders and marvels for them.
Then time brings struggles, and their faith fades away.

I don’t see how normal followers of Christ can succeed.
Normal as in followers like us.
We’re not like those who live in the faith.
Dedicating their entire lives to the faith.
Like the Saints. We’re not the Apostles,

nor are we like the Saints.

They are exalted by God.
But normal followers like us, we’re “back row” followers.
Followers in the shadows of the elect.
After thoughts.
Our prayers are at the bottom of the list.

One marvel happens and we are filled with joy.
But the next day we are filled with gloom again.
And we both know once our prayers are answered,
We will be cheerful. Thankful to God. After doubting Him.

What does that say about our faith? It only tells me,
We always expect something in return.
Only then are we “faithful”.

This proves how ingenuine our faith is.
But even “back row” followers can have genuine faith.
And when faith is genuine, they are elected.
Therefore, no follower is less than the other. No list of prayers.
Just followers with genuine faith.

The struggles of life tests one’s faith and trust in God.
God chastises those He sees and loves in life.
If you love God and find yourself struggling,

that is a spiritual battle and when you are in it,

you are not of the world, 

but of Spirit, God.

Count your blessings,

in this short time in thanks to God.

Always be thankful in God,

under any circumstance.


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