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"The Map of Life Within Short Time"

“You shall not have other gods besides me.” Exodus 20:3

The importance of the very first commandment of God, is that we remember the root of what gives us life. Our own conscience is a state of being in awareness of life within ourselves, life around us, and the world. This root of life is spirit. God is Spirit and it is by this we are the likeness of God. When one neglects that which is spirit, he or she becomes lost in their own conscience where the darkness of the world with all its pain, suffering, and distractions become a heavy burden and the minds naked under it, meaning helpless in knowing short time, die in spirit. This helplessness, is like a snake crawling on its belly without hands nor feet. As the hands are the likeness of God's power, bringing forth the images of the mind into being by the creation of our hands, and the feet are the likeness of God's straight path, where we walk on the foot stool of God, that is the life preserving earth created in the deep where life was once formless and void. The helplessness of knowing death is our ultimate shame and this shame is like being naked with no covers in the eyes of that which is everlasting or eternal. When realized in the knowledge of life and death, that which is good and evil in the eyes of God, as God is life everlasting. The death of a spirit is the death of a life, in all things pertaining to that life. From the spirit of the mind of an individual to the state of the body, and to the life of the world. Jesus left to prepare a place for you and I, and that place is where the spirit of your mind is. By the help of the Holy Spirit, which is in the Mind of God, your house, that is where your mind is, won't come into image, to see or enter life everlasting, if it is not in God, or born again. This is the true living conscience of all things with a voice like many waters, that is you and I and every other life. The spirit of man is the likeness of God as God is Spirit and the Truth of Life.

“You shall not carve idols for yourselves” Exodus 20:4

The dangers of having idols, that is man made objects and/or the luminaries set forth by creation, is that even though they may have no spirit in them, they can consume you and the world. By this I mean it can lead us, the ones who are the likeness of God, that is a living spirit, to scalable self-destruction. By scalable I mean self-destruction can come in different ways. Whether it is a suffering of an individual in their mental health that can lead to death, or a country leading itself into civil war, or the whole world leading itself into extinction, etc. One could say it is the nature of humanity to worship. As worship can be what we focus our eyes, mind, and heart towards that is of this world, and when this love is misplaced into objects with no life, this ultimately will hurt life from the individual to life as a whole. When many objects are worshipped, broad is the path of destruction, and even if it is by one object that the world worships, misplaced is that faith. Time testifies to this. To worship objects is to serve something that has no life in it and be its slave, but there is a difference between object of remembrance that pertains to life and an object that pertains to a man made god. I serve the Spirit, this is the Mind of Jesus Christ, The Spirit of God in the flesh. And His house is where my mind is. The spirit of my mind is that house. Anything made by the hands of man, has no life, except by the seed of life in mankind. Worshipping objects is not to be confused with the Divinity of Jesus Christ and the forms of remembrance. Objects of remembrance is not worship, but it is where the spirit, that is my mind, remembers the Spirit of Life, that is God, through Jesus Christ. Christ is a living being in God and God in Him, alive as much as I am and even more so as we are bound by the knowledge of life and death in short time, and it is by the cross or images of Christ we remember the Spirit of Life, God. 

“You shall not take the name of the LORD, your God, in vain.” Exodus 20:7

Who takes their own name in vain? My name is Kenray Barnabas, and I don't say Kenray Barnabas in vain. Do you say your name in vain? If not, why then do you say the LORD's name in vain? I am a father, and to hear my own children say my name in vain, it would be heartbreaking and it would make me disappointed as a father. To say the LORD's name in vain is like to curse at the very life which gave you life, and if you think that is ok, then that shows where your spirit is. The house in which you dwell in, is like a crumbling house trying to withstand a storm, while being prideful, and that house will crumble in the end. By this I mean that your mind dwells in a weak spirit, and that spirit will break when confronted by the Truth of pain and suffering. Like a coward you will run, and the snakes will chase you. Those who use the LORD's name, Jesus Christ, in vain are like the Israelites in the desert running away from snakes and crying out to God for forgiveness. It is not by running away from the snakes one is forgiven, but by confronting the snake that is fear, one is healed. As these are the spirits which overcame the fear of the world. So if bravery is something that the LORD gives to those in need, in a time of hurt, pain, and suffering, why then do you use the LORD's name in vain? Be grateful to that which is Spirit, because without Christ, each day is a fear of death.

“Remember to keep holy the sabbath day.” Exodus 20:8

A blessed day is a day to remember. If you remember the day you were blessed with life in birth, and the day you were blessed with the life of a born child, and the day you were blessed with a home, and the day you were blessed with good friends, and the day you were blessed with a good career, and the day you were blessed with a good skill, why is then, that you do not remember the day of the LORD? The very remembrance of our days, is by that which is of God. Spirit. If you do not have spirit, you would not remember your days. Yet by the very likeness of God, you choose to not remember the day of the LORD, or the world has pulled you away from remembering the day of the LORD, yet you remember the day of that which revolved around your own life. Selfishness is a path to self-destruction, within ones own mental health, and the well-being of those around us. Affects of selfishness is scalable as well. If one does not give his or her life towards others, how can he or she share life. Why did the Spirit of God move upon the darkness of the deep in the very beginning of all things and everything else within time up to Jesus Christ, today, and further more? To lay down His life for the creation of life. You do not remember the day of the LORD, yet you remember the day of your own life and those you care about? We are all hypocrites, but the difference is some realize and some don't. When you remember your days, every one of those days is the LORD's, yet He blessed only one, to leave the rest for you. Oh spirit of the unbeliever, remember the LORD's day and believe. He is the true living God.

“Honor your father and your mother” Exodus 20:12

How can I honor my father and mother when they have hurt me deeply? Forgive them and do not condemn them, for those who condemn their own father and mother, have condemned themselves in their minds and their hearts. Those without sin, throw the first stone, and if you throw the first stone, you are a liar. Why is it that a child has grown up to go against his or her parents? It is the lack of compassion, which was not born to the world in the beginning, that a child rebukes his or her own father and mother as the father and mother rebuked their own father and mother. How can I find healing so that I don't carry hatred and bitterness towards my own parents? It is not in your hands to change the past, but understand this, separation is the work of God, so that what was once covered in darkness, may find light in the darkness of their own understanding by the spirit of the mind, light will be shed to the heart which seeks understanding and compassion. It is by your hands, that is your power, in what you do on this day, and what you do today, is where you will be tomorrow. That is the likeness of the hand of God. What you created in the past, is what will be today. What you create today is what will be tomorrow. When you find the room in your house, that is your mind, to forgive those who hurt you, you will find the strength in spirit to honor them. Forgiveness and compassion in understanding is the greatest honor, one can have over the world. This is overcoming the world. No parent is perfect in a broken world, but what you do for your parents, is perfect, and the affects of putting this wisdom into action, will stretch-out to those around you, even if you fail or even if you don't see it. That is honor.

“You shall not kill.” Exodus 20:13

The heart to intentionally kill, is a heart of war and violence, and murder. To kill someone can either be fast or slow, intentional or accidental. For the good hearted person, who made a mistake and carries a heavy guilt, which costed another's life, may God have mercy in His Justice. When you consciously kill someone slowly, you are stripping away the dignity of that life and the essence of who they are, their spirit. Make no mistake, this can also be a self-doing. Killing someone slowly can be through the word of mouth, for the tongue is a sharp sword. It can also be through your actions, when you physically abuse someone for power and control throughout time, you are killing their spirit. When a spirit dies, that is the ultimate death of a being. When one is lead to suicide because of the tribulations of the world and their surroundings in time, they have killed their flesh, but the world has put their spirit up for death. Shame on the world, but blessed be to God, for His Spirit is life everlasting, and the spirit which was overtaken by the world, may God grant mercy and life from the bottom of my heart for what is born of Spirit is spirit. When one takes another's life with intention to do so, he or she is in a war with spirit, that is the likeness of being mentally unstable or mentally ill. Make no mistake, the voices in your head telling you to harm yourself, is not who you are, but who the world wants you to be. The devil's time sows confusion in the spirit of the mind, to draw you ever so farther from the will of Spirit, God. Either against others, or within themselves. In times of war, there will be death, yet death in time is inevitable. You were killed by the snake since the very beginning of what was born by the breath of God. From the creation of the heavens and earth, to the creation of the living being Adam. The death of life started with the spirit when humanities' spirit learned the knowledge of death in life. Sounds unbelievable, but somehow and someway, knowing death is our reality. This knowledge is to take away the life given, whether that life was good or evil, those who have taken it by killing it, have stained the garments of their soul with the blood of that life, and the dept is paid by the blood of life. By this I mean their state of being, in the spirit of the mind, have become mentally farther from morality or that which is good for the sake of life. Slowly throughout time, your body decays and murderers have covered their conscience with the blood of the life they have taken and by this a they are haunted by death in their desires to commit sin and iniquity in the eyes of God. Such is the fate of the world and the evil spirit who was casted down to it. This evil spirit is the father of murderers and his time is short for every living being from God. The Spirit is the God of the living, not the dead, because there is no death in Him, but life. Therefore, when you kill by your own conscience, you have no part with life, only death. This is why it is so important to seek that which is of the Spirit, God. As this is the basis of knowledge for life everlasting.

“You shall not commit adultery.” Exodus 20:14

Lust can be a very dangerous thing. In our time and age, even thousands of years ago, lust is one of the most harmful evil spirits against the likeness of God. This evil spirit, is a spirit that is not of God, but of the desires of the flesh. It is a very dangerous spirit because not only can it harm the flesh, but it can harm the soul of the flesh and the souls of those around. The soul is your well-being. The spirit encompasses all of that which gives you life. Your mind, body, and soul. If you do well, you will be accepted. This acceptation does not begin externally, but internally, as God is the source of life. When you chase after lustful thoughts of the flesh or open your eyes, that is the windows to your soul, to the desires of the flesh, you open your windows of your house to sin. The house is the dwelling place in God being prepared by Christ. That is the spirit of your mind, your state of being. This is the likeness of the house of God as spirit is the likeness of God, and the evil spirits seek to enter and dwell in your well-being, and they will eat away your life. These spirits will hurt you mentally and physically convincing you that your body, that is the fruit, was a mistake and to take control of the fruits of God's labor. So you can chase after the desires of sin that was once sitting at the door of your house. The spirit of lust born of mankind, will tear down your house, that is your well-being which begins in your mind, and make you feel empty inside, drawing you further and further away from life. Do not give in to the desires of the flesh, but fast against its desires. Don't trust the mind of flesh or the heart of flesh, because they are deceitful. Instead question the thoughts that arise in your mind, dictate whether they are of good well-being or if they will lead to desires of lust and other evil thoughts. In order to do this, trust that which is of the mind and heart of the Spirit, God. What I mean by mind and heart of the Spirit, is that all thoughts that arise in your mind and dwell in this house, is the thoughts of the world, so shut these out from your house, and first listen to the Word of God. Get familiar with the Gospels and you will hear God. Meditate on the story of creation and the teachings of Christ, it will lead to understanding. When you cast out the voices of the world from your thoughts, when you fast to deny your flesh, you grow stronger in the spirit, that is the well-being of your state of living. Call it being stoic, being mentally strong, anything that is of psychological understanding and conscience is of the Spirit, God. Therefore, keep your thoughts and your flesh away from the sin of lust, and do not let your fleshly eyes deceive your mind. As God told Cain who was in a state of anger, sin sits at your door and its desire is for you. So you must master it. Take every thought captive in the obedience of Christ. This means to examine negative thoughts and thoughts of sin/evil and "throw it outside" of your spirit, that is your house/dwelling place. This is the likeness of spiritual battle.

“You shall not steal.” Exodus 20:15

A greedy heart is one who has nothing, because whatever is attained by a greedy heart is never enough. Those who steal are poor, and will always be poor in spirit. No matter how much possession a thief comes to acquire, they will always be poor in spirit. These are those who stash up their treasures in the world of life and death. As they measure life by possession,  in the end when they die, they have nothing. Such is the fate of a thief who does not turn from his ways and see the empty house in which they have stored their treasures. Blessed is the thief who turns from his ways and enters through the door, that is Jesus Christ, to the house of God. Therefore, when God tells you, do not steal, it is because God wants to give you life in Him. There is no greater treasure a thief can find then the one they don't steal, but the one they accept. What is given to you in life, accept with gratitude, and give thanks to God. For it is not by the will of those around you, that you come into gifts, but the will of Spirit which inspires the spirit of the minds in the world to give and ask for nothing in return. Those who give and ask for payment with interest in return, are worse than thieves. Even these, such as the system of money, steal. In the end, the possession of money is as worthless as a barren field, where no house was built, and no water could flow, and no crops could grow, because the spirit of those who counted the value of their money, had no value in spirit. Yet the thief who is careful of counting the value of money, and counted the value of the life in which he gained the money for, is greater. For he knew where his heart needed to be. Not in the value of possession, but the value of life. This is a sane man who is rich in spirit, and the evils of money, mammon, is not the master over his spirit, but he masters over his own house by the strength of God. 

“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” Exodus 20:16

A liar is one with two tongues. Those who indulge in worthless gossip, and take pleasure in slander do the works of the snake who deceived the woman Eve, in the garden, and those who listen to the the snake's deceptions and know they are wrong yet take pleasure in contributing to its lies are no different than the liar who has two tongues. The snake knows what he or she is doing, yet being double hearted and double minded, they are able to deceive themselves as well, for their minds and hearts are full of deceit from the left to the right. Truly it is a hard thing to not be a liar in a world that operates on lies. So what should I think and how should I speak? There are many thoughts born of the world and like a storm, they can be chaotic with no purpose, other than to confuse, instill fear, anger, conflict, and division. The thoughts I receive by the word of other's mouth, are the thoughts of the world and I can't control the thoughts of the world, but I can control the thoughts that which enter into my house. The truth is we lie because we are afraid. To bear false witness is to protect that which you are afraid to lose, or that which you desire to gain. Regardless if you know it is right or wrong, a liar bears false witness against his or her neighbor for personal gain, and even liars don't realize they are lying. A snake does not know what is right or what is left, but it slithers on both sides only for its benefit, and when one side confronts the snake, it retreats to the other side. Such is the curse of crawling on its belly, because by this it is helpless in its lies. How can one rise above the likeness of the snake? Master over your tongue, for it is a double edged sword, and it will cut your mouth and open the door to your house, the spirit of your mind, for thoughts of evil and deception to enter and dwell. Master over your ears, for they are the airways to your house, where sound travels through. Master over your eyes, for they are the windows to your house and its well-being, the soul. If one speaks truth, he or she is witness by actions and words. So the truth to not bear false witness against your neighbor, is to not indulge in worthless gossip or take pleasure in slander and conspiracy, but to withhold the tongue and to let the words of gossiping spirits remain outside in the world, for these have no understanding.

“You shall not covet your neighbor.” Exodus 20:17

Be careful to not be envious of your neighbor and that which belongs to him or her. An envious person is like a wolf, and the wolf is worse than a liar, because not only is he or she a liar, but is one who is dressed up with pleasant clothing yet seeks to attain that which is the neighbor's belonging. To be jealous of one who receives good things and secretly desire the failure of him or her who receives good things. If I know it, God knows it, for God knows and sees all that stirs in the heart and the spirit of the mind. Cast out envious spirits from your house, yet watch out for the wolf, for the wolf will pretend to be a lamb of God. How do we know one is a wolf? The wolf is one who enters the house of God, yet seeks not to understand who the master of the house is, or takes no delight in the Word of God. That is the likeness of not knowing the one true living God. It is lawless and goes from house to house only for its benefit, that is the likeness of having idols. It growls at the master of the house when things don't go his or her way. That is the likeness of using God's name in vain. The wolf hunts in the field of the Shepard, but it does not care of the Shepard. That is the likeness of not remembering the day of the LORD. The wolf chases its own desires and disregards the needs of that which gave it life. That is the likeness of not honoring your father and mother. The wolf seeks to hurt the life of others with its mumbling growls and its deceptive prowling. That is the likeness to kill a life. The wolf chases after its desire and only follows that which fills its hunger for meat. That is the likeness of adultery. The wolf dips his or her hand in what they did not receive and is jealous of that which they do not have. That is the likeness of stealing and coveting. You may find yourself to be like the wolf, but a conscious spirit who realizes their wrongs and admits the truth of it in knowing he or she is in need of forgiveness, is not a wolf. Only a lost sheep. Make no mistake, everyone is a sheep or a wolf. The difference is, some take pleasure in being a wolf and those who take pleasure in being a wolf, yet are dressed as sheep. We should always try to remind ourselves that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. This means that it is the realization of that which is not good for life and life everlasting. That is for the sake of your state of being, as in life, in me and my affect towards others, and our well-being, which one could also call spirit and soul. 


"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another." John 13:34

The love of Christ, is the love of God. Don't confuse this love with feelings, for the love of God is perfect. Feelings are not perfect, but deceptive in good and evil. Feelings can be good, but they can do much harm. God's love has no room for harm, only creation for that which is life and for the sake of life.


What did God do in the very beginning? The Spirit of God was in the darkness where there was no life as in it was formless and void. If the darkness was formless and void, then it is in death, where God gave His life where there was no life as all things came forth in the depths of space, the earth was given life and preserves life. Everything was brought forth by water in the beginning. Born of water, that is the matter of the material world, where the Image of God, that is in the Mind of God which is the Holy Spirit, was given form by His Word, that is the Truth of God. The truth is that this world is a world of creation, and we testify to the creation of the world everyday, by our own likeness to God. That is our conscience and state of being, the spirit, in learning, experiencing, envisioning in our minds, the thoughts and wonders, brought forth by our hands. That is the likeness of the power of God, in what we create for the quality of life with the help of mind and the power of hands.

When man and woman were created on the sixth day of God, the image of man and woman, is formed in the Mind of God, and they were to be created in the likeness of God, and they were to have dominion over the earth. However, it wasn't until Adam was given life by the breath of God, that is the likeness of God, Spirit or Mind, that Adam and Eve had come to reason in knowledge and named all things which God brought forth to them. The reason why God wanted to see what Adam names His creation, is because by the likeness of God, Adam was an intelligent conscious free-willed living being, because now he wasn't just born of water, but he became more in God's creation, he was also born of Spirit, God. What did Jesus say to Nicodemus in John's Gospel chapter 3? For one to see the kingdom of God, he must be born again, that is to be born of Spirit, God. However to enter the kingdom of God, one must be born of water and Spirit. That which gives birth to flesh, is flesh. That which gives birth to spirit, is Spirit. Without Spirit, life would not be conscious of life, nor would it be intelligent. So the very fact that I am writing this, is proof that God is real, amongst other proofs in our faces each day. Such as a new born who begins to see the world as the light of the sun gives form to the creations of the world, whereas in the darkness of the womb the new born could not see life. Such is the likeness of being born again in Spirit. Like the wind analogy as Christ described to Nicodemus, we do not know where the Spirit comes from, nor where it goes, but we can hear it, that is to experience its affects.


There is something incredible to know about the trees. God said there were many trees to eat from. Think of what Christ says about food and how he compared it to life. Food goes in the body for a short wile, but isn't life, much more than food. The fruits of the many trees in God's garden of life, are dwelling places for life. The body of the tree is the fruit. The tree is a world and there are many worlds that were good to God where the body of life can dwell in life everlasting as it was good to God. Whatever is good to God, is good for life, as what is good is life. Yet there was one tree, that was not good to God, because in it, the fruits withered and fell off, as in died. Not only did the tree grow fruits, but they also died. That is the knowledge of good and evil, the knowledge of life and death. As God told Adam, that if he eats off the tree of knowledge of good and evil, he will surely die on the day he eats from it. The death of Adam and Eve, was the day they came to know death in life. That is why God said he will surely die on that day he eats from it. The snake is the temptations that comes to mind and the woman, who was to be the helper, who was the likeness of God, sought to be a god and the man listened to the conscience of the woman. 

Before the spirit of Adam and Eve, that is their conscience, fell into the world of life and death, that is the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they walked with God. As in they could see God, as God is Spirit. When they fell in the world of short time, they could not see God, but they could still hear Him as He came calling for Adam and Adam heard Him calling. God dwells above our world of short time, and our world is one of knowledge of life and death. The knowledge above our understanding is life everlasting. This is the tree of life, revealed to us by Jesus Christ. When Christ came into the world, and this is the prophecy of the very beginning and the end of time in each individual and life of flesh as a whole, the Spirit of God came into the world of death, as it was written in the very beginning, to bring us into being.


Everything that was brought by water in the world of life and death, had not been brought forth by spirit. For what is born of flesh, that is the fruits of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, is of the tree of life and death. It was after Jesus Christ, that what was born of flesh in the world of life and death, in the tree of knowledge of good and evil, the life which died in this world, were born again in spirit as Spirit gives birth to spirit. As the disciple John wrote in his Gospel, "All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being." This means that what was brought forth by water, born of water, baptized by water, had not come into being in spirit apart from what is born of Spirit, baptized by Spirit. That is why Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life. It is only through what was born of Spirit, God in Jesus Christ, that what was born of water, in the beginning of every life, up to today, can be born again of God, in spirit. What did Jesus Christ do when He was on the cross? He gave His life for the sake of life everlasting. That is the will of God from the very beginning of everything and the end of everything.


The love that Christ speaks of, is not by feeling. Which is what the world has come to believe in. Greatly has the world mislead each other and continue to mislead and confuse the love of God within each others understanding and the house each dwell in. For the love of God does not come from the heart or mind of the flesh, but by the Spirit of Life. That Spirit is the most brave, strongest, and perfect love in the world. That is to give your life to one another in laying down your life for the sake of another. This does not mean to kill yourself, although in the worst case scenarios it may come to that in the protection of another from harm, not by your doing, but by the doing of evil. The greatest love in the world, is of giving life, for family and friends. Giving your life for those in need is the most perfect love in the world. Some reject it, and some embrace it. The act of giving your life and time to someone who needs a helping hand, is perfect. I had gone after this love in doing the right thing for the one I saw was in need, because I believe and try to follow in the way, the truth, and the life. I had failed in my faults, but the beautiful thing is that there is another to continue this where I failed, so I may stand again and try again. Failure in this has nothing over the act of doing what is right, because that is the greatest love in the world, and it is the most True thing in the reality of life.

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